Workplace Tech & Software

Building Smart Facilities: Insights From Workplace Unplugged

Darin Herle
June 22nd, 2017

Software as a service has been key in evolving the landscape of the modern workplace. With the emergence of smart building technologies, the way we interact with our built environment is also beginning to change. Automation, data collection, and basic comforts can all be achieved with smart building tech. These two Workplace Unplugged interviews focus on the user experience of your building occupants, as well as the essential metrics collection needed to efficiently run a facility.

First, we speak to Lindsay Baker about her thermal comfort app, then we consider the intriguing world of sensors with Michael Carne. Step into the world of smart building technology with Workplace Unplugged!

Getting Comfy with Smart Building Technology

We sit with Lindsay Baker, a technologist and pioneer in smart building technology and president of Comfy. She shares her experience leading some of the most successful building initiatives in the country.

Lindsay Baker - Getting Comfy with Smart Building Technology
Lindsay Baker: The number one complaint that people have with their work environment is the temperature. As buildings get more complex and digital, a lot of the building industry assumed that would mean be that the occupants couldn’t possibly be involved in how the buildings are run, but we’re finding just the opposite…Continue to full interview.

Sensor Tech: Possibilities in Facilities Management

Tech is on the rise in facilities management; one of the most intriguing of which is sensors. Used to monitor and measure activity, mitigate risk and improve safety, sensors help FMs gain a greater understanding of what is happening within their building.

Micheal Carne - Sensor Tech: Possibilities in Facilities Management

Michael Carne: At the moment, there is still a piecemeal approach to IoT being implemented throughout a property. The direction and future of IoT will be the ability for software not to care where the sensor came from but to listen to all sensors and integrate…Continue to full interview.

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Photo: chuttersnap