OfficeSpace Visual Directory in Slack

Integration for Slack

Turning on Slack Integration is quick and easy. With Slack Integration, you will be able to search for colleagues and resources straight in Slack and get the most up-to-date location directly from OfficeSpace Visual Directory®

In order to install the app, you must be an OfficeSpace administrator.

Start by signing into OfficeSpace.  Then, under ‘Settings’ click on ‘Connectors’.


You should see this screen.

Clicking ‘Add to Slack’ will bring you to a prompt to sign in to your Slack team.

Admin Integration 2020

In order to install the app, you must be an OfficeSpace administrator.

Start by signing into OfficeSpace.  Then, under ‘Settings’ click on ‘Connectors’.

Slack sign in

The following screen asks you to give OfficeSpace permission to access Slack data.

Simply add a Slack team from the ‘Post to’ drop down menu.

Once you click ‘Authorize’ you will be ready to /find people and resources in Slack!

Authorize screen

The Slack Team Admin will receive a Slack message notification that the OfficeSpace app has been installed.

How to interact with the OfficeSpace App for Slack

You may send a direct message to the app to:
• Find what you need, fast
Type /find or /locate to quickly search for whatever you need—colleagues, resources, rooms.

• Find, book, and check into desks
Type /book_desk to locate an available desk to book.

• Find, book, and check into rooms
Type /find_rooms to locate nearby rooms and manage your bookings.

• Get notified when a booking is cancelled
If your room or desk booking is cancelled for any reason, you’ll receive a push notification via Slack.

• Manage Safeguard forms
Receive a push notification via Slack and a link to complete and submit your Safeguard form before entering the office.


If you run into any trouble along the way feel free to email us:

[email protected]