Hybrid workplace

Building an Intelligent Workplace

Mary Carnes
November 8th, 2023

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the power of information cannot be overstated. Now more than ever, businesses rely on data collection, analysis, and application to navigate increasingly complex environments. Building strategies, streamlining operations, and sparking innovation require an information-driven approach and the right workplace technology and tools to turn raw data into insights you can act on.

In this article, we’ll delve into two crucial drivers of success in modern business—business intelligence and workplace intelligence—and show how they can improve an organization’s systems, procedures, and output. From adapting to the challenges of remote work and hybrid models to leveraging data that enhances employee satisfaction and efficiency, the importance of intelligent solutions in the workplace is paramount.

We’ll also take a look at how AI capabilities are transforming workplace intelligence by enhancing data analysis, automation, and decision-making processes.

Workplace Intelligence by OfficeSpace

See space utilization in real-time to evolve your workplace strategy, improve employee experience, & right-size your real-estate investments with Workplace Intelligence.

The evolution of business intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) has undergone a significant evolution over time, from its humble roots as decision support systems to the ubiquitous data democratization tools used in modern business. The concept of BI began with the emergence of early data processing systems designed to support managerial decision-making. This quickly led to additional tools that allowed users to collect, store, and interact with data multidimensionally, enabling more comprehensive analysis.

With the advent of the Internet and IoT (Internet of Things), software solutions sprung up that allowed businesses to create dashboards and reports, facilitate ad-hoc queries, and integrate data with advanced analytics.

Today, Business Intelligence solutions leverage new tools like machine learning and artificial intelligence to handle massive datasets and uncover hidden insights. Cloud-based solutions provide scalability, flexibility, and accessibility, enabling businesses to use real-time analytics and predictive capabilities to make decisions based on up-to-the-minute data and forecast future trends.
With ongoing advancements in technology, there are plenty of opportunities for organizations to extract value from their data. One of the ways to amplify and expand the strategies, lessons, and tools used in Business Intelligence is to apply them to the modern workplace.

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What is workplace intelligence?

While Business Intelligence involves harnessing data from various sources to gain a deep understanding of market trends, customer behaviors, and operational efficiencies, Workplace Intelligence revolves around optimizing physical workspaces. This includes not only the facility layout itself but also its design, the workplace experience of your employees, and how the configuration accommodates your business’s preferred work model (in-person offices, hybrid workplaces, remote work, etc). 

Real estate and facility costs are some of the most significant parts of a business’s annual operating expenses, so using workplace solutions to optimize office space and maximize efficiency is crucial to saving money and reducing waste. 

As office usage evolves to accommodate the new normal of hybrid work models and dynamic schedules, it has become increasingly challenging to meet employee needs and workflows while keeping costs down. That’s where workplace intelligence comes in. Workplace intelligence ensures office spaces, desks, conference rooms, and other facility components are not merely functional but also conducive to employee productivity, well-being, and collaboration.
To accomplish this, workplace intelligence leverages the same types of tools and technologies used in BI to collect, analyze, and apply data in order to innovate and streamline physical spaces. Presence data from a variety of sources, including office sensors, employee badges, Wifi logins, and more, is collected, analyzed, and displayed in simple, user-friendly dashboards that help you make data-driven decisions about your office space.

The benefits of an intelligent workplace

Here are some of the benefits that an intelligent workplace can provide:

Data Collection

Workplace Intelligence tools can gather data from various sources within the workplace, such as sensors, IoT devices, occupancy logs, WiFi, and user feedback. This data allows you to evaluate and evolve your hybrid strategy, optimize your real estate footprint, and manage your business more effectively.

Data Analysis

Using advanced analytics tools and algorithms, workplace intelligence tools can process and interpret collected data. Effective data analysis can uncover trends, patterns, and insights that help you make data-driven decisions, improve employee experience and productivity, identify the impact of collaborative work and business performance, and spread best practices across teams and offices.

Space Optimization

Workplace intelligence aims to optimize the allocation of physical space within the workplace to ensure that it meets the needs of employees and the organization. This can involve redesigning layouts, introducing collaboration tools, adjusting seating arrangements and scheduling, and identifying underutilized areas.

Resource Efficiency

Workplace intelligence makes it easier to manage real estate portfolios with precision. Knowing how to organize your workplace, where more space is needed, and where it can be reduced maximizes efficiency and saves costs. You can also reduce OpEx costs like janitorial services, utilities, parking, catering/snacks, and more.

Employee Experience

Workplace Intelligence solutions examine factors that impact employee comfort and satisfaction, such as indoor air quality, lighting, temperature, and noise levels. Improving these conditions can help create a more comfortable and productive environment, improving employee engagement and retention.

Real-Time Monitoring

By utilizing real-time monitoring systems to track occupancy, equipment performance, and environmental conditions, workplace intelligence enables quick responses to issues and helps optimize facility operations. You can also track and measure compliance to hybrid work policies in dashboards so you can address challenges in adoption, compliance, program design, and daily activities on-site.

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Workplace intelligence promotes sustainable practices by identifying opportunities to reduce waste, energy consumption, and environmental impact within the workplace.

Flexibility and Versatility

Workplace intelligence allows you to adapt your workspace to changing needs and circumstances, such as accommodating remote or hybrid work arrangements.

Improved Communication

By using data to get a complete picture of how you utilize your space, you can ensure new policies are easily understood and data-driven. It will help employees receive and embrace changes when you can clearly show how they will boost morale, employee productivity, and customer experience.

The future of work: artificial intelligence solutions

As we look toward the future of workplace intelligence, it’s clear that artificial intelligence and machine learning will play a transformative role in how we utilize data. From enhanced data collection processes to predictive and prescriptive analytics, AI’s automation and speed will allow workplace intelligence tools to provide even more precise and valuable insights regarding optimal facilities management. 

Here are a few AI capabilities that will improve Workplace Intelligence:

Enhanced Data Analysis

AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data at incredible speed, identifying complex patterns, trends, and anomalies. This helps businesses gain deeper insights into their operations, employee behavior, and facilities management.


AI can automate the process of collecting, organizing, and structuring data and generate reports and dashboards that allow you to access real-time insights without creating manual reports. Because data is being monitored in real-time, when specific issues are detected, immediate action can be taken.

Improved Decision-Making

AI can not only provide valuable insights but also recommend specific actions and workplace solutions to optimize results. This helps in more effective decision-making, especially in complex scenarios.

Workspace Optimization

AI-powered sensors can monitor real-time occupancy data in office spaces, helping facilities managers optimize space usage, reduce energy consumption, and enhance employee comfort.

Employee Satisfaction

AI can automatically collect and analyze data on workplace conditions, space usage, and employee feedback to create a more comfortable and productive work environment.

Remote Coordination

AI can assist in managing remote teams, ensuring productivity and well-being, and adapting office spaces for hybrid work models.

The evolution of workplace intelligence is changing the way businesses look at facilities management and physical workspaces. New workplace technologies and tools like OfficeSpace Software have enabled organizations to harness the power of data to make informed decisions and adapt quickly to changes. 
From optimizing space utilization and user experience to enhancing functionality and security, workplace intelligence ensures that physical environments evolve to meet the needs of a changing workforce. As AI integrations and other technological advancements increase, intelligent workplaces will grow more dynamic, adaptable, and essential, creating a future of work where data-driven insights are the cornerstone of any modern work environment.

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OfficeSpace Software digital workplace intelligence solutions

OfficeSpace tools offer a wide array of functionalities aimed at innovating workplace intelligence. They provide real-time insights into space utilization, tracking desk occupancy, meeting room bookings, common area traffic, and more.

OfficeSpace also enables organizations to create interactive floor plans, facilitating workspace management, and its employee feedback platforms help encourage engagement and evaluation. 

OfficeSpace Software bridges the gap between traditional facilities management and the demands of the modern workplace. With its advanced digital workplace functionality, artificial intelligence capabilities, diverse applications, and in-depth reporting, OfficeSpace provides all the tools you need to effectively implement workplace intelligence strategies that will prepare you for the future of work.

These software solutions empower organizations to make data-driven decisions, maximize space efficiency, and create work environments that improve employee well-being and productivity. As the business landscape continues to evolve, OfficeSpace leads the way in the pursuit of intelligent and adaptable workplaces.